You have never had an important thought. This is an absolutely true statement; that enrages most egos. The ego will fight tooth and nail to prove that it is not true; but what is true needs no defense. The reason the ego fights so hard to prove that a thought can be important; is because the ego itself is a thought. <-- (Look at that for a second.)
It's self-preservation.
Thoughts keep the ego alive. The less importance given to thought; the weaker the ego becomes. The weaker the ego becomes; the more one discovers that it never existed, it was only a thought, one thought:
"I" *thinks* it is an important thought. <-- Let's look at this again and a bit more slowly.
"I" *thinks*.” <-- (Do you see where that statement is pointing?)
It's a thought pointing to a thought. For some this will bring a chuckle or a laugh and for others years of attempting to either prove or disprove it. The thought:
"’I’ thinks it is an important thought."
Is a self-referencing thought. When you see this; it becomes obvious one has been bamboozled by a lie. You have been fooled by thought to believe it is who you are, and simply because another thought said so. But you can't be a thought ... thoughts come and go and you don't. You are what thoughts come and go:
You are what sees the thought. You are what is aware of all thought. It is much easier for an uneducated person to "get" or "see" this. Because in the world, “intelligence” is based on what is thought, and on what is learned, and everything “learned” is based on thought. Let’s look at this because the world has it reversed and maybe you will begin to see why. The world gives great importance to "being smart" and calls being smart "intelligence." But being smart is not intelligence. Intelligence is not related to being smart. Being “smart” is learned and “intelligence” is innate. The "smart" considers people and things it deems "stupid" or "uneducated" as unimportant. But the stupid and uneducated are much less likely to follow thoughts because thoughts are "learned" and the smart or "learned" people are far less likely to give them up; because they consider what they have "learned" important. The more you see that thoughts are not important, the more you discover:
You are not a thought.
When you don't give importance to thoughts in the first place; there is no struggle to let go of them. However, if you come from a "learned" society, where thoughts are considered most important, it will be much more challenging for you to discover "Truth," because all your life you have been praised for what you consider "your thoughts," but actually they are not yours at all because:
There is no "you."
This is all very important to see ... because you begin to see how tightly chained together it all is. However, as this chain begins to loosen; you begin to see that:
Thoughts are keeping you blind.
Most people are not even aware of what thought is. They are so closely tied to thought that they cannot even see them. They don't see thoughts as separate; they see them as who they are. However, if you can see a thought; you cannot be a thought.
Just look at that. If you are seeing it, if you are seeing the thought; you cannot be it. So:
Who is seeing the thought? (Stop here and look.)
If you think you are the thought or that they are "your" thoughts, it makes it all that more challenging to see that you are not. Do you see how powerful "thought" is? However, it only has the power to deceive. Allowing for the possibility that you are not the thoughts, will begin to put small "cracks" or "space" between you and them, which in turn; lessens the power. In a sense, you have been using thought your whole life to "prove" that you exist; without even knowing it.
It's not your fault.
You were trained to do it, by people that were trained to do it, and on and on and now there is a bit of a reversal in that train/training that:
It is not so.
And you begin to see that you have been trained to believe a lie. The "un-training" or "undoing" is to first allow for the possibility that you never had an important thought. You don't have to believe it; you just allow for it as a possibility. Once you do, the rest sort of falls in line. As the space between "thought" and "you" grows, you begin to see that thoughts come one after another like rain falling from the sky. You don't have to do anything with them. In fact:
Life is in spite of them.
Everything happens in spite of what is thought and this is seen as one stops reacting to thought; as if it is real. Do not underestimate the power "learning" has over one's mind. You have been trained and programmed for thousands of years that to know or discover something; you have to learn it. However, in regards to "who you are," it is the exact opposite. You are going back to the Source, not away from it. Going back to the Source is to discover what is before thought. You move away from Source (not really because you cannot move away from what you are IN, but for descriptive purposes we will use this analogy):
You move away from Source, when you follow a thought, because thought leads to more thought.
However, if you STOP following the thought(s), simply stop and just be there, in that stoping for a moment, it allows a Space ... a clear Space, even if only for an instant and that Still, Pristine, Clear Space is:
Then when THOUGHT reappears, see if you can follow it back to where it came from. Follow it back to Source. Now, the Source from which all thought springs, is not a "thing." "Thoughts" are "things" because you can see them, but "Source" is not a thing, you cannot see it, you can only:
"BE" it.
It cannot be thought and this is where things can get tricky, because you are used to "looking" for "things." When you follow a thought back to the Source, you are not looking for something. This is another challenge for the "learned" person and not so much for the "un-learned" person. The unlearned can rest in “no thought,” but the learned will keep looking; it expects to find something; some "thing." But there is nothing there. There is nothing to find. But not "nothing" like the learned person *thinks* of nothing. It is not anything that can be described. If you *think* you understand; you are wrong. This is what makes the "unlearned" person smile; and "educated" people; perplexed.
Be perplexed. Be confused. Be afraid of not knowing.
All the things that arise to lead you away from staying there, from keeping the attention there on the UNKNOWN/UNSEEABLE are:
The world has trained you to run away from fear, from confusion, from not knowing and from being perplexed. However, those are the exact "tools" (for lack of a better description) one can use as "triggers" to know that you are close to discovering Source. When you become "fearful;" see it as a trigger to look deeper.
Who is fearful? <--(See if you can discover "who" is hiding behind the fear.)
In the beginning you will hear, "I am" and will probably just accept it as true. However, you now have a choice that you didn't have before you read this and that is to hear the words "I am," as a lie and not the truth. You now have the ability to choose not to be fooled by the lie. Prior to this you didn't even know you were believing in a lie; but now you do. So when fear arises and you ask "who is afraid?" and you hear "I am." you have the awareness and ability to ask:
"Who?" "Who is afraid?
The mind, which you are used to resourcing for this information will always say "I am" because "I am":
Hides the Truth.
The mind hides in the words, "I am" but you are not a word. This is very important to see and why this writing seems to be going in circles. You now know that you are not the "I." You now know that you are not a word, not a letter, not a thought. This is the first and most important discovery. Now, who has discovered this? Don’t be fooled by “I am/have.” It is always going to come down to:
"Who?" Always.
If you are sincere and truthful with your self in this regard, it is always going to come down to "who?" If you are listening to the mind, you will always get the answers, "I am/I do." However, if you are listening for Truth; there will be no answer. The mind will not be resourced. You will begin, in a sense, to grow different ears, Ears that Listen for what cannot be Heard with the physical ear. If it can be heard with the physical ear; it is not True. If you can say it; it is not IT. If you can understand it; you are wrong. Only Truth is True; everything else is a lie. Discover this and you discover who you always and forever: