We have spent most of our lives accumulating knowledge to learn how to do things, whatever you have wanted to learn ... the ability to learn it is out there for you. You can learn about the body, the mind, matter, anything in the universe ... you can learn about. However, in the domain that you are being pointed to here ... the tools you use to learn (mind, brain, thoughts, intellect, words) are what keep true Knowledge (with a capital "K") at bay. Hence this sites name:
"Nothing To Learn."
You cannot learn who you are. You can be pointed towards it, but you cannot teach nor explain it to someone. It comes through direct Realization. It is not something the mind can use. However, the mind can be used to point to It ... although it cannot and will not ever understand it. The only thing that you, who you currently "think" you are can do to Realize who you Are ... is to begin to let going of figuring it out. Stop assuming you already know who you are and be willing to discover ... who you Truly Are.