In a world where there is instantaneous everything, for most, living with unanswered questions can be a beginning step in the discovery of who you are. Many may ask the question “who am I?” and then like with all things of the world, expect an immediate answer and not only immediate, but one that is completely understood and explainable. However, this is not the domain or way of the Truth of who you Are. Even this writing will mislead you.
The way of the Truth of Who you Are, is filled with twists and turns and paradox, inconsistencies and incongruent (ness), hypocrisy and ludicrousness. It is not a straight road … except it is (smile). How do you tell someone you are on a road to nowhere (now here)? You don’t, but your life being lived will reflect it and those that are paying attention, will begin to see through you, that it is true.
The next time you need an answer to anything that comes up, take a pause, don’t be so quick to find the answer. See if you can hold out and see whether or not the answer shows up in a way you could not have predicted. This is the fun of beginning to See. You begin to See that everything you have ever needed shows up. You only overlook it when you are searching for the answer. When you are looking for the answer, you have already predetermined how it is to come and miss or disregard the answer that does come because it doesn't look like what you want or expect … because you are looking for something specific.
When you put your search for an answers down, it allows for all possibilities to that question to arise … it’s like opening a box and then just leaving it open … not looking inside, just leaving it open, you might even begin to allow the possibility that you don’t even know what a box is … this is not becoming an idiot, it is seeing that we have labeled everything to the point that we actually don’t know what anything is, we just assume we know because it has a label we have defined and are familiar with (which is actually being an idiot).
Just for today, be the box with the open top and allow that you don’t know who or what you or anything else is, yet be interested and wait and see what shows up.