This can be one of the most important questions of your lifetime. The assumption that there is “someone” to whom the thoughts come to and arise for … is a lie and it is a lie that is inadvertently perpetrated by most everyone you know.
Thoughts do not arise for anyone … they just arise … if you pay attention to them they strengthen, if you don’t they disappear.
As you pay less and less attention to them you begin to become aware of what they arise IN. This Awareness becomes stronger and the attention gets placed on the Awareness more and more fully, until you begin to see that you cannot be the thoughts.
Once this discovery is made, you become Aware of the Self. The Self that everyone is IN. There is no out of it; however, very few are Aware that they are IN it (because it is not an “It” – there are no attributes to Awareness).
Awareness of Self becomes the Sanctuary until such time that a Sanctuary is no longer needed and Self is the only Thing (that is not a thing) that remains.
That you are reading this is proof enough that you are ready to begin to come from the Awareness of Self as opposed to coming from an idea of an individual and separated self.
The assignment for today: Anytime that you hear the word “I” in regards to you or anyone – you replace it with “who.” Not as a question, as a replacement to both the question and the answer.
You change your assumption from that in which there is an “I” that exists (Blind Faith for this day will serve you well), to one in which the “I” thought doesn’t. You keep the assumption that "I" doesn’t exist and that you have been unknowingly lied to by most everyone in your life - since the day you were born. Just like they have been.
Again, you meet the word “I” with “who.”
Soon you will not need Blind Faith or proof that this is so. However it takes a bit of Blind Faith and Vigilance in the beginning for the Self to be Revealed. It has been covered over for Centuries and although it can be Revealed in an instant, it usually takes a bit of probing and investigation into the non-existence of the “I” before it is Seen to be so.
Any and all reports of what is discovered is welcome here.