"THINKING" (One cannot laugh and think at the same time.)
March 15, 2013
My Teacher used to say to me “And that’s a thought,” when I would come to him with all these thoughts that seemed so important and it would stun me … momentarily.
Sometimes I would wonder how he could say such a thing to the important information that was going to impact "my" life and the lives around "me" and he could be so calm and would listen to my plight and would eventually, again, point and say “And that’s a thought too.” He would smile and I would frown and stomp away wondering “what have "I" done wrong that "I" don’t see” (not seeing that that was just a thought too).
He did this for many years, I would come to him again and again, with problem after problem and in his infinite patience, he would listen or he would do whatever the moment called for (which sometimes was a scolding or a praise). There was not a time, even to this day, that I could predict what he would/will do, but that is another of His Great Teachings. Many times I would go to him thinking I would get praising, only to hear I had done something wrong, and then other times thinking I would get the scolding of my life, only to find him praising me for something I had done. This, over time, became the blessed teaching of “not knowing,” which leads to the title of today “Thinking.”
Thinking is knowing (it makes things seem solid and real), even if you don’t know ... you "think" you can know by thinking. But thinking is not real … it is not part of reality, it is one step removed. These words are typed on the screen by the fingers … not by thinking. This is not always easy for one to see, like what was shared above; I knocked on my Teacher's door with question after question and problem after problem, until one day; the draw to Stillness became the Answer. Now there is still “thinking” and there is even "thinking that there was/is an answer" and there is … the answer is in Stillness/Silence.
That can be even more infuriating to the mind that wishes to know reasons and answers for all things … to hear that all questions are all answered in Stillness, is to negate the “mind/thoughts.” Again, it all boils down to a frown or a smile. Sometimes even a laugh or a punch in the face … depending on how serious one is in knowing answers.
Since life is just happening and all you get to do is watch it, then living with unanswered questions is actually the gift. To let things be as they are and watch as them appear is the gift and the answers do come, not in your time or your way, but naturally they appear.
Be willing to be surprised. Sometimes it doesn’t seem easy to do … especially since the thoughts usually say you know what is going to happen and it’s not going to be good. See how silly it is to think that you know the answer and that the answer “isn’t going to be good.” Just wait and see ... the alternative is shitty anyway. :o)
All you have to do is look and see that what you call "your life" has worked out perfectly this far ... you are reading this right now and all is well, right? (even if you are thinking it is not LOL!) :o))))