Right now this is still a bit of a concept or idea that is coming upon the brink of Realization. Unless you have not only looked at it but delved into it as an actual experience this will be no more than theory for you. No more than words on a screen that will long be forgotten. However, if you chose to dive in and see if it actually could be possible that one has no past and no future then you are standing at the doorstep of the Present Moment right now.
The Present Moment or PM has no attributes. It cannot be touched by the past or the future and if you have investigated you see why. Both past and future just disappear in the PM. There is nothing but vast empty endless … come on now … you know it can’t be worded … you just watch as the Smile creeps up across the mouth and onto the face with the Realization of what one is in.
This can be very tricky stuff.
At first you are just looking at it as an idea … maybe a good one or a bad one depending usually on how much you either like or dislike the past or future that the mind keeps telling you exists. However, if you keep looking at this … if you keep dropping the past and future as it arises, whether or not you like the visions/thoughts of it or not … it starts to lead one directly to the PM.
The PM has no story about it.
All past and future thoughts … even thoughts “about” the present … are all just stories. Make-believe. Made up by the mind to keep you entranced and not paying attention to the PM. It is a very sneaky thing and almost goes undetected if you don’t really give it the full attention it requires. You will begin to see things show up in life that will validate it if you are willing to continue on and not fall back into the habitual pattern of thought-time.
It is especially challenging but just as fruitful to do it during a “time” where one feels pressure to think ahead or fall back on past experiences. This is where you will see the strongest pull to pay attention to what isn’t real over what is actually happening or not happening. You can only do what you do.
But you will not know this if you are dragging along past and future thoughts. Dropping them reveals there is no “doer”. Where is the “doer” without a past or a future? Without a past or a future there is only “doing” or “not-doing” but there is no one there doing it? Need a deeper more penetrating look? Who are you without a story? Who are you without a past? Who are you without a future?
Did you look?
If you did are your smiling or perplexed? If you are smiling great … don’t attempt to figure out why … just know that you Know or intuitively Know and if you actually Know well then more Smiles to ya. If you are perplexed … allow yourself to be. For once in your life stop any attempt to figure it out. All attempts at “figuring” are done with past and future thinking. You have no other resource at this time … however this writing is an attempt to help offer you one. Not in that the writing can give it to you but the investigation of where the writing Points can and will if one gives up all of their own attempts. You may still think that there is “juice” in past and future thinking … but truly it is not so.
They are like dead branches on a tree waiting to be pruned.
Yes it can be scary. Yet just notice that what is scary is only “thought”. Nothing is actually happening … it is only thinking and thinking is of the past or future and is not happening now. Just look. This is not something to take someone’s word for … simply look at the thoughts that are appearing. Are they about the future or the past? If so they are not real. How could they be if they are not actually happening.
Yes. Breath and relax.
This does not have to be challenging. However, it can and will be very rewarding to the one that follows through.
This writing is in the PM because it is not thought about.
The person typing it does not know what will come next. It is not channeled … It is just Happening. Just as all of Life is. Most think they are the “doer”, the one making it all happen and this is the way it is supposed to be for most, but not for you or you wouldn’t be reading this. You are ready to Hear the Good News. Most are not. It doesn’t make you special … everyone is always in the PM … but it does make you Aware and Awareness is everything! It doesn’t change anything about the PM to know and discover it. Life does not change or alter because you are Aware … however some thing Great shifts in one’s person with the Realization of the Present Moment. You begin to come from the Center of the Storm as opposed to the cycling wind you once “thought” you were.