The Now Moment is such a simple truthful phrase and often completely missed out on. How often are you completely aware of the Moment you are In? Take a look, what is actually going on around you? Do you find that the thoughts that appear are telling you all the things you have to get done, that you are not doing? Can you be some other place than where you are? Let's look honestly. Are you focused on what is going on around you, in front of you or is the attention on the thoughts about the past or the future? You can only have thoughts about the past or the future because thoughts are not in the Present Moment. Even a thought about the Present Moment, is in the past (can you see that?).
The Present Moment cannot be thought. To think to not be Aware of it. To become Aware of it, begin to pay attention to what you are actually doing, not what you think you should be doing. If you should be doing it, you would be, so don't worry about what you should be doing and pay attention to what you are.
You are in the perfect Moment, Present Moment you can be in (that is why it is the Present/Gift). If you weren't supposed to be in the moment that you find yourself in, you would be somewhere else (your life is not of your doing...but you cannot see this until you begin to pay attention). It is not about stopping thoughts, they will still be there, it's refocusing the attention on what is happening, not what is thought about what is happening and not what is thought about what could or could not happen. This is not something to "think" about (even though you probably will). This is something to be Aware of. Be Aware of the Life you are In.