From a conversation where our past doesn't have to be the mentality of our present.
Tear a brother down Te-tear a brother down Tear a brother down Te-tear a brother down Tear a brother down Te-tear a brother down.
Don’t be one those that tear a brother down…
Why tear a brother down When you can raise him up The way we treat each other At times it seems so damn fuct up Heard it said a man that sings From his heart pulling those strings Laughing and dancing a song of joy Making you forget you’re a girl or boy reminds you of the child within So we can play together once again as friends
His name just happens to be James Baskett And maybe people would like to try and keep him in a casket But his song will be sung by young and old That don’t tear a brother down for singing from the soul
Tear a Brother Down Te-tear a brother down Tear a brother down Te-tear a brother down Tear a brother down Te-tear a brother down.
Don’t be one of those that tears a brother down…
Marva Collins is another though a sister not a brother and we’re not talking of color we’re in this as one together Her dream was to teach children They were mistaken in beliefs Of what they were capable of And what they could achieve The system said she was crazy to help children read and write Because they were too stoopid and weren’t worth the fight She could see it all around her the world trying to hold her back So she started up her own school as her form of attack She taught Socratic Method to all that she could reach And for 30 years she prospered and now her students teach that nothing can hold you back if you discover who you are that Light that is inside of you makes us all a Star So tap into yourSelf Don’t believe The lies that you are fed That lead you to think you’re stoopid Or even better off dead Just shout out to the world so all of those can see
we can rise each other up out of this mentality …
So don’t …
Tear a Brother Down Te-tear a brother down Tear a brother down Te-tear a brother down Tear a brother down Te-tear a brother down.
Don’t be one those that tears a brother down…
It’s not about a color a gender or a country It’s about rising up so that those around you can see That they are Shiney on the inside So don’t dampen it down See that Spark within you and then See it all around Build up those around you and help them to grow and you will have a garden from the seeds you sow.
Do this with everyone you meet Whether you like them or not And doors will open to you That at other times were shut.
Dream big and wide and far and high But know it comes from the inside
And spend the rest of your daze …
Rising people up … ri-rising people up Rising people up … ri-rising people up Rising people up … ris-rising people up