There is no door to this world and yet once opened it is a Crack that doesn't ever close. It is like lightening. If you watch lightening it cracks the world a part...that is how it is in Awakening ... the Lighten cracks from the inside.
You can open your heart to the world.
The Crack is the opening of the Heart which begins to see the world in ways it could not prior understand. The Crack continues to grow until nothing remains but the Self.
Without looking out your window,
There are two ways that the eyes can be directed, one is outwards (Windows) and the other is inward (some call it the inner eye or the third eye but it is truly neither, because it is just Seeing. This Seeing turns in on itSelf to discover who one actually IS.
You can see the essence of Tao.
In this turning towards the Self one then begins to become Aware of the Essence of Tao. For some it takes a long time for others no time at all, who is to say, just know that the discovery is readily available to all that have it as the highest priority of Life, you can't fake that, yourSelf knows you better than you do :o) But you can begin to grow this out, testing yourself, testing your commitment. Your willingness is all that is required or asked and nothing is taken or given that you would not obviously have given up or received.
The more you know,
The less you understand.
Become more familiar with not knowing. There is a difference between knowing and capital "Knowing." Lowercase knowing is of the world and "Knowing" is outside of the world but the world can be seen through it. The Unknown is a Gift a mystery.
The Master arrives without knowing,
The Master knows it is not, there is nothing for It (which is not an It) to lowercase "know" because everything that is need to Know (capital "K") appears in the moment that it is required to appear. This is Knowing. Knowing (capital "K") just appears in the moment. It is nothing that needs to be remembered.
Sees the light without looking,
The looking appears because of the Light, the True Teacher always has the attention first on what it is IN, ultimately there is not even an attention to be placed there, however in the beginning it appears as if that is so.
Achieves without doing a thing.
This is a tricky one for a long time for the ones that are looking at the Master as if it is separate. All things are done through the Master, every action you "think" you make is actually the Master, because there is no individual Master, there is only the Master and in that...there is no Master at all (see how tricky that can be...try to understand that lol).
What may sound like arrogance in one instance, may in the next sound like the best NEWS one ever received. Wait and See.