Sometimes it takes a long time to see something, like Siddhartha say’s in Herman Hesse’s Book (free online for download), “I can think, I can wait, I can fast.”
First heard the song “Children’s Story” at 18 years of age, became one of the favorites to blast with the windows down while the house speaker (just one lol) that had been ridiculously rigged from the car stereo to the trunk was attempting to thump a crackling beat whilst bouncing down the road (bodies bouncing not car :o).
There is one line in "Children's Story" that so deeply caught the attention that it stayed or continued to re-appear over the last 20 years … and that line is “Straight and narrow or your soul gets cast.”
It was first heard as right and wrong and for many it will continue to be heard this way ... however ... if one is able to let go of any (and maybe for the moment all) religious connotations … then we will be off to a more open and relaxed way of hearing something. This is not to underestimate how challenging it can be to drop ideas and concepts of what be believe things to be or mean and the words "Straight and Narrow" had been heard here for many years as a religious statement (one in which something had to be fixed or avoided) and it blocked the Truth of the wording … that is why it is being suggested to drop all connotations, beliefs and ideas that you currently hold about "straight and narrow."
What was seen this morning, over 20 years later, as those lyrics “straight and narrow or your soul gets cast” started playing in the mind ... was something completely differently than the times before.
It was revealed that if one goes too far in any direction/belief … they get cast as that.
Let’s try something … just briefly envision yourself as empty space (let go of the idea that you are your body and just see space … vast space … endless space and then possibly see *That* space as what one might call “Soul” though much easier to see if we just stick with Space).
Ok so you are Empty Space and an idea shows up ... let’s just for laughs say “body” and a body appears in that vast Empty Space … now the body and Empty Space are one thing (not separate because the body appears in *That* Space). Then another thought comes along and says “male” or “female” and one is picked now that body has form. Next a thought comes that says “planet” and one appears and then another thought “country” and a map appears and one is picked … another thought appears and says “parents” and they are picked as well and then another thought “birthdate” and a number is picked and off one goes into the world from Empty Space (as Empty Space in form).
Before one is even born there is a casting of the Empty Space (Soul) into the body. Then every choice that is seemingly made in life ... becomes a tighter and tighter casting. You “temporarily” become what you believe. As you make stronger and stronger beliefs like choosing a religion or a political party, gender identification, race or that you only listen to this kind of music or only read “those” kinds of books … anything that you choose that pulls you too far in one direction … Casts the Empty Space you are In and makes for a very tight box in which to live. The body becomes tighter and tighter until nothing else can fit in it and it becomes solidly real, but only real in beliefs not real in actuality ... because you came from “nothing … no thing” (Empty Space) and will either recognize this now or eventually return as all form does, back into it's original State/Empty Space (that which One is prior to birth/death and during life yet usually unaware of that which one is in).
If you swing too far to the left … you do not see what is on the right … and if you go too far to the right the same scenario. Yet if one stays straight and narrow … in a sense … not fattened with beliefs from one side or the other … but Centered in the “Empty Space” then all things have the possibility of Being … Life becomes Lighter and Brighter and you are not weighed down by beliefs and concepts that have nothing to do with who you Are (Empty Space).
When you come from the Emptiness that you are In … then everything can be enjoyed … you can enjoy being religious or political or righteous or no thing at all … because you know it is all a charade. Everyone is dressed up for Halloween everyday. :o)
So less boxes (beliefs/castings) … means more YOU!
(Note: Empty Space is not actually Empty Space … it is what cannot be described with words … yet one uses them in an attempt to point past or before them to what/who one is actually in.)