How does one explain the unexplainable It’s like trying obtain the unattainable. Sittin and thinkin of ways of saying the unsayable Turnin words inside out until there’s nothin that is understandable
And yet it reveals it self in all the ways it can sharing things that no one will ever truly understand But if you listen with you Heart and not your mind Everything that’s shared with you … you will come find
Because it’s not hidden it’s just in between the lines Of all the ideas and concepts that make us seem so defined But we are more than fluid …we are what fluid is in So let’s take a journey to … where time never did begin
There’s no sound There’s no lines There’s nothing to define Us in…
There is only the Stillness Without the mind my Friend.
Let’s take trip di-rect-ly to the heart It is with invest-igation that we will start With the only question you ever ne-ed ask Who… am…I then just sit back re-laaaax.
The words you are hear may sound… to you… circular This is on purpose and why… we…. must…. Re-fer To the mind like dog cha-sss-ing it’s tail Because the gift we’re given, is one in which we fail.
It is called the glorious failure, that you will come to find It leads you to the Stillness, that comes before the Mind. Peace is the calling, that you … will come Know And that which doesn’t move, is where the Attention goes
There’s no sound There’s no lines There’s nothing to define Us in…
There is only the Stillness That which the mind is In.