One of the things that can be rare in this world is being Silent. It used to be more common, there were longer pauses between words in conversations and the movies of old had fewer words, more innuendos.
Though drawn to things that are of a quieter nature, that doesn’t mean that there is internal quiet. Many times there is such gratitude that will arise for having designated times for Meditation. Without Meditation there would be few stops/pauses during the day to put the attention on Silence/Stillness. It is not that it isn’t always there, it is, however; the attention will be on what is going on in the world, schoolwork, thoughts about everything and anything under the sun. And then there is a stopping that comes with Meditation, things slow down and the attention is drawn towards what doesn’t move. The things of the world, all the problems seem to fall to the side and are not important. As one arises from Meditation, those things re-appear yet don’t have the energy or strong pull towards them that was there prior to Meditation.
Recently, things have gotten busier, especially this week. Yesterday a neighbor offered up a ride on his dirt bike. We left shortly before Meditation time and when we got to the back roads it was time to sit. Mentioned that there would be no speaking during the next half hour. Usually, it is looked at with a strange sort of “umm ok?” Which it was and so off on the bike we went. There is a gift in Silence that unless one checks it out, cannot be shared.
A Red-Tailed (Chicken Hawk) Hawk flew directly over us; which was amazing and the trees were brilliant, and the smells of Spring were in the air, there was the sounds of water running from the creek and the sky was brilliantly blue. There were moments of fear/excitement that would arise from the sense of not having control. The bike slid on some ice and we fell and since we were going slow, there are just bruises, but there was no ability to complain and without outward complaining, inward complaining doesn’t last long.
We dust ourselves off and picked up the bike and sat and ate some lunch. There was listening to the stories that were shared and watching as the food is eaten and there is a sense of ease with not speaking that is not there when one is thinking of what it is they would be saying. It is just listening and experiencing what is actually going on.
Though the preference here is to sit Silently (to not be active during a designated Mediation time), one does not have to sit somewhere alone to be Silent, you can set aside a time, at anytime to do it. Though I would suggest that one set aside the time to sit silently in Meditation as a way to begin quieting the mind and then move into a “walking or active” Meditation, only because the impetus to speak will be very strong in the beginning and so it is best for one to begin to sit quietly with eyes closed and allow all distractions to be there and to sit in spite of the distractions.
Many times when people are around during Meditation time, they think that they must be quiet, but that is not the case, the noise is welcome, because where the attention is … is Stillness/Silence and so all noises and activity around are welcomed in it. If you demand that the world be a certain way for you to sit in Meditation, you will not ever sit in Meditation.
You just sit, Silently, sit and watch until the thoughts and activities exhaust themselves.
Ultimately, one will find that all of their life is in Silence/Stillness/Meditation, yet this isn’t seen while the attention is on the thoughts, actions. So first things first … one leads into the other.