The following was written in response to a question posed in an Early Childhood Development Class at College of the Siskiyous, Weed, CA.
Discussion Post One (250 Words): What Determines Sexual Orientation? In Chapter 16 we discuss the factors that induce people to develop as heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual. Research has yet to explain why adolescents develop a heterosexual orientation and others a homosexual orientation. Do you believe that genetic factors or environment play a role in sexual orientation? Or both? What stance do you take on this sensitive issue? Why? Explain and Support your answer using at least one citation from your textbook. Respond to two of your peer’s posts.
The factors that induce people to develop as heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual are not well understood. (Feldman, 2012)
Here is an analogy in attempt to describe what is challenging to understand about a person’s Sexual Orientation by using “Ice Cream” as the example.
Some people only like Vanilla Ice cream … you could ask them a billion questions about why they eat only Vanilla Ice Cream and they may give you a billion answers about why they eat only Vanilla, but ultimately it boils down to simply ... just what they eat … call it a preference or in their DNA structure to only enjoy that taste - however ... whatever you say about it, the fact still remains that they continue to only eat Vanilla.
Then there are some that wouldn’t touch Vanilla if it was coated with all the goodies in the world … they just don’t like it. They only like Chocolate. You could try to convince them to try Vanilla to all avail, but they will not budge … it is Chocolate or nothing.
Then there are those that like both Chocolate and Vanilla and get their cone self-served from the dispenser in a twirl of yummy goodness. They sometimes think that people that only eat chocolate or only eat Vanilla are crazy, but then the Chocolate Lovers and the Vanilla Lovers think the same thing about each other and the Twist.
In spite of all this finger pointing and saying one is better than the other … Chocolate still eats Chocolate, Vanilla eats Vanilla and the Twist eats everything.
Then there are those that like Chocolate, Vanilla, Twist ... they Love all the flavors and get rainbow and bing cherry ... they are all over the place with their Love of Ice Cream … they don’t have a defined taste … they don't often have their ice cream boxed up in the freezer but ready to serve whenever possible.
Then there are those that don’t eat Dairy at all - they do not partake in Ice Cream festivities (although some have been known to dabble in ice cream made from Soy or Almond milk).
Sex is very much like Ice Cream (food) you need both to be alive in this world. The world cannot survive without either one of them. What kind of ice cream/food/sex you have while you are on the planet is secondary to the need to have those two natural impulses be fulfilled.
Enjoy your dessert no matter what preference you have. Maybe one day you will care as much about someone’s Sexual Orientation as you do what kind of Ice Cream they like to eat.
WC: 454
Feldman, R., S. (2012). Child development. (7th ed.). New York: Pearson Education, Inc.