Being "Called" is being called back to yourSelf. Things in the world may or may not change from this call... The call itSelf is not about this world, though it includes it.
The Call is to self-Investigation...seemingly the one call that many don't have time to take. The phone rings and it is answered...but the Heart/Stillness calls and it is ignored.
Why one might ask? Because it doesn't give you anything. It actually begins to take everything away.
But don't be fooled that you can understand what this means.
Eventually the Call will be answered, as the body drops there will be no choice. But in this moment there is a choice.
The choice to investigate and begin to know, who is Calling.
It has been said over and over again and will be until it is Heard.
The only question that ever need be asked is...
"Who Am I."
Begin to use this tool to dig into yourSelf. Don't accept any answers that you can understand.