Usually before sitting for Meditation there is no idea of what will come up and what will be written after … most times during Meditation there is a Silence and then the chatter appears again … the beginning chatter will usually be the topic that shows up here on the site. Like what is being written now … the thought appeared during Meditation “How Many Ways To Say …” And then it went on … “the same thing.”
Everything that is shared here is already Known/know. The capital “K” is for what bypasses the mind, call it intuition or beyond understand what cannot be understood intellectually or rationally. The lower case “k” reflects what can be known in this world with the mind, it can be understood and explained. So everything that is shared here is already Known, all that happens are that different ways appear to say the same thing. Hence the name of the site “Nothing To Learn.” There is Nothing To Learn because everything shared here is only to confirm what one already Knows, maybe not consciously, but you do Know.
The one sharing this is just talking to theirSelf and anyone that reads it gets to hear it too. At first, you might think “what is this crazy babble all about.” Well, it is about “nothing (no-thing at all).” :o)
How does one speak about “Nothing (no-thing)”? Because nothing has no attributes so how do you speak of something that cannot be described. You actually cannot speak about it or type about or share it, but you can point towards it. You can point those around you towards what they are IN. Once you begin to See and Know what you are IN, then there are very few things in this world (if any) that bring as much Joy as Pointing. One becomes more and more a pointer towards that which cannot be described or learned.
And although everyone has the capacity to Hear it, not everyone is willing to. Just know that those that have the ears to hear it will show up and those that don’t will fade away, it will not be your concern, which is which. In the beginning it maybe that way, you might have concern or worry, but over time, you will begin to see the pattern and appreciate it as the reminder that there is nothing for you to do, all the right things show up and sometimes nothing will show up at all and you will begin to find that that is perfect also.
Ultimately, you will find that it is all perfect. Your whole life has been and is one perfect moment. Even the things we call “bad or not perfect” like sadness, anger, depression, loneliness, etc. all are perfect in the creation of and simultaneous, undoing of “you.”
First Know yourSelf, then Point towards what you have come to Know.