The other day a book arrived in the mail from a friend. Was actually surprised by the title because it seemed a bit out of the norm from the person that was sending it. It’s called “Life After Death” by Dinesh D’Souza. The first page is an introduction written by a Dr. Rick Warren and already, just by reading the first few pages there is just this funny watching of how easily we can mislead one another about things that are very simple, but we make super complex.
This Dr. Warren is speaking about how there must be life after death because and this is a direct quote from the book “If this life is all there is, there is no basis for any meaning, hope, purpose, or significance to life. Everything in your life would simply be a random change of fate at best or an accident at worst. Your life, and your death would not matter at all. The logical end of such a life is despair. Moreover, we can forget about being decent or ethical, with no basis for human dignity, rights, or liberty.”
Is this what many believe? Isn’t this how religion is created. But is he right in his assumptions? Because this is it (period). This life is all there is (can you prove it isn’t?). And it is so easily overlooked, by searching for questions that are unanswerable, yet everything one needs is here in this moment to experience this moment. All the meaning, hope, purpose or significance to life … is RIGHT NOW. And actually one doesn’t even need meaning, hope, purpose or significance for one to be in the moment they are in.
Heaven (our world Heaven) is overlooked and destroyed in search for something that will come when we are compost in the ground? (Oy vey!) That is hilarious and sad at the same time.
Someday people will be very amused (maybe right now) that they thought that the body will follow them into some afterlife. Even if they believe that they are not the body, then it seems they think that the personality will be in some kind of afterlife. What is a personality but all the things that kept you from getting along with others in this life? Now it is going to help you in some other life (afterlife)? (CHEEZY SMILE HERE).
One way that you can begin to see that you are in Heaven NOW is to begin to slowly and gradually watch as “who you think you are” begins to disappear ... while Heaven appears.
You are not the body. You are not the personality. Both can be enjoyed and are enjoyed, but they are not who you are. For some this is great news, and for others it is a bit scary, because if you have identified with either, as who you are, then you might be wondering who you are ... right now and not knowing can be scary for some.
Who you are, is who you always have been, but it is not who you think. Who you are is before you are born and who you will be after you die and who you are right now. It is not the personality. It is not your beliefs. It is not the body. Those are all distractions to keep you from discovering who you are. However, they do not last. All of them shift and change. If you begin to start asking, what does not change, what is permanent, light will begin to shine through and you will begin to See, who you Are.