The Definition of Magic by the Merriam-Webster dictionary is described as; “tricks that seem to be impossible and that are done by a performer to entertain people.” (Merriam-Webster). This paper is an attempt to help the reader look and see, if they can begin to discover, the Greatest Magic Trick of all time by the Greatest Magician ever. To point one to look and see that they have been deceived through the senses into believing that their current “reality” is real. Possibly this paper will begin to help reveal what the Magic Trick is hiding.
Part of what keeps the Trick/Magic/Illusion in place is by keeping people in fear, for if they fear what the trick hides, they won’t look. Most people fear what they do not understand and instead of investigating, they make up stories about what they “think” it is, leaving what it “actually” is, undiscovered. It could be said that nothing is more misunderstood than Magic. Magicians and Magic have appeared throughout time to reveal the Light in small increments for the masses, because for most, it is too intense to see all at once.
Magic, magician’s, sorcery and witchcraft are labels that have been placed around something that words cannot actually describe. People (mostly out of fear) have related magic to the occult as if it is something dark, hard to reach and outside of them. However Magic, true Magic comes from the Inside, and is revealed as such. As one becomes more comfortable with this discovery, more is revealed. Magic then uses you … it actually has always used you, however, you become more aware that it does. This can be tested and verified by simply beginning to watch what you do, and see if you cannot do … what you do.
There are two kinds of magic, one is the kind you practice like having people pick a card and then put it back in the deck and the person then shuffles the deck and reveals the cared you picked. That is not the kind of magic that is being spoken of here. The Magic that is being spoken of here, takes less than an instant to be discovered. One does not need to practice; one simply begins to realize that they have been “tricked.” You were fooled into believing that you are a thought called “I” and this thought obscured all of the true Reality. “Just as the spider emits the thread (of the web) out of itself and again withdraws it into itself, likewise the mind projects the world out of itself and again resolves it into itself. When the mind leaves the Self, the world appears. Therefore, when the world appears, the Self does not appear; and when the Self appears (shines) the world does not appear.” (Ramana)
True Magicians lives are used in revealing the “Trick” to any and that are drawn to them, though the way, shape and form changes, as one size does not fit all. These Magicians are willing to face the ridicule of society and they are able to do this because they have seen through the illusion, the Trick. This sometimes comes at a high price, due to the majority of people not wanting to know that they are in a dream, an illusion, in spite of their claims that they want change, that they want relief from their misery. Throughout history it has been revealed that what is not understood by the masses is made wrong (i.e., Jesus on the cross, witches burned at the stake, heads endlessly chopped off by Kings and Queens). The Magician is made out to be wrong, women have been labeled witches, people have been made outcastes of society, and are spoken of mostly in a negative light (which is ironic because the negative side of Light is the illusion, yet when Light is reveled in the illusion, it is labeled “dark.”). A witch-hunt is a search for witches or evidence of witchcraft, often involving moral panic, or mass hysteria. Before 1750, it was legally sanctioned and involved official witchcraft trials. The classical period of witch-hunts in Europe and North America falls into the Early Modern period or about 1480 to 1750, spanning the upheavals of the Reformation and the Thirty Years' War, resulting in an estimated 40,000 to 60,000 executions. (Wikipedia)
This maybe why one can find many fake magicians and only a few true Magicians. There is a saying, “Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.” (Matthew 7:6 KJV).” This saying came from one of the world’s most known and greatest Magicians. Those words stem from the knowing that when one reveals the Magic/Miracles it very well maybe used against them. What is revealed gets twisted and turned around by those that fear of the unknown and is labeled “dark” or “bad” or “wrong.” Over time, many that start down the path of Magic … have come to keep quiet about those experiences that are considered outside of the “norm.” Many have been misunderstood and mislabeled and some can be found in our prison system and Behavioral Health institutions or worse because there is no one to speak with regarding the experiences they go through. Often, Magicians will stay away from the mainstream society.
Although Magic, true Magic cannot be described in this world, the word Love comes close to pointing towards it. Not the love that can be changed or altered, not the kind of love that one says when they get what they want and take back when they don’t. Pure unconditional, unchangeable, unalterable Love is what is being spoken about here. One might be surprised how deeply afraid people are of Love. Love can be ruthless and has been known to come and shred one to pieces. Ever had your heart broken in Love? It can be quite painful. Love and Magic are the same, they shred one’s tightly held beliefs about what is possible. Everything one believes in can be made to disappear in Love/Magic. Magic has gotten a bad wrap because people do not truly wish to See that they are in the Greatest Trick of All Time, because they then discover that everything they love is a lie (not a bad lie, just simply not True). Everything one can see, feel, hear and taste, everything that can be experienced by the senses, is the Trick, which also includes “time.” Physics is just beginning to catch up to this, “A long-proposed thought experiment, put forward by both philosophers and popular culture, points out that any civilization of sufficient size and intelligence would eventually create a simulation universe if such a thing were possible. And since there would therefore be many more simulations (within simulations, within simulations) than real universes, it is therefore more likely than not, that our world is artificial. Now a team of researchers at the University of Bonn, in Germany, led by Silas Beane, say they have evidence this may be true.” (Rundle).
When the ultimate Trick is revealed by the ultimate Magician (upon the death of the body, if not before), everything that ever happened or will happen simply disappears in the Light of what IS. It is like a literal “light” switch being turned on or off. When it is turned on the Light (not the Truth, but a good pointer) … is all that IS … only IS and ever IS.. When it is turned off … there are shadows on the Light which creates the experience of the senses … like a movie appearing on the screen … the Light/Screen is there, but the dark creates the shadows/Image/Projection over it.
When you the Reader’s body drops or one awakens from the Dream/Illusion … you will not know it. You will not remember anything of this world (nothing of this world goes with). It is complete non-existence of everything that you currently see, think, feel, taste, touch. Everything that you have experienced with the senses will be completely gone. It is a simple flick of a switch.
What isn’t so simple ... is waking people up to this. Helping those that are ready, to see that they have been fooled with a magic Trick (projection). You begin to use tricks to reveal the Trick in this world, one uses whatever is available to help the apparent other see that they have been fooled into thinking this is real (because it feels really real … doesn’t it?). How often do you doubt that the world is real? Good freaking trick, eh?! That is the gift … it makes the impossible seem real. However, you have the complete and full ability to experience what the Trick is hiding. It is hiding it’s own Self from its self, the True Self.
Prior to what you see in front of your eyes is who you are. It is what doesn’t die. It doesn’t get turned on or off. It (which is not an it) simply always IS … it is the true Magician which all appears In. However, because you think you get turned on and off (birth and death) you overlooked what those two things appear In … again the Trick appears … in the Magician.
Even going to sleep at night and waking in the morning is a trick within the Trick. Where does one go? Do all the people in the dream you had while you slept show up for you or do you create them and then dream you are separate from them? Where do they go when you wake? What if you didn’t wake up … who would know? These are all questions that can help assist and begin dislodge the mind from it’s trance of knowing what everything is, to discovering what actually IS. Investigating one’s sleep/dream state can help to reveal what the waking state is like, because they are the same thing (a dream within a dream). Everyone simply shows up for the dreamer and disappears upon its waking/Waking. If you have ever had a dream where you woke up and couldn’t believe it didn’t actually happen, the same happens in waking/dying from this life experience. One only has to wait and see that this is so, however, one does not have to wait to See. You can go into the dream and advise yourself that you are sleeping in both dream (sleeping and waking) states. It has been done and it continues being done, including right at this moment, for you the Reader. If you were not ready to Know this, you would not be reading this right now.
You are ready to have the Trick revealed to you in your own life and from that you will be used by the Magician that is alive IN you. You will simply begin to see through the illusion, the Trick and all thoughts about it with one simple question, “Who am I?” (First person singular.) You might think this is too simple a thing; to have the entire illusion revealed to you. However, haven’t you been surprised to discover after asking a magician to reveal his trick to you, how simple the trick actually was into making you believe that it was real? Quite possibly you were awed that such a simple thing could have fooled you. The mind/thoughts/you, look for complexity and overlook the simplicity. There is nothing to fear of the Trick nor this kind of Magic, one simply keeps vigilant to the Light that animates all things and meets every thought that comes with the question, “To whom does this thought come?”
Magic no longer needs receive a bad wrap so that you can remain easily fooled. Once one has accepted or even allows the possibility that they have been fooled (which doesn’t come easy for all), then one becomes a Magician themselves and sheds Light on a darkened dream that tried to block Magic from being revealed.
Works Cited
"Instructions - Sri Ramana Maharshi." Sri Ramana Maharshi. N.p., 2013. Web. 15 July