This poem is dedicated to someone who was creep'd out by some things done in this world that seemed to come from Love on one side but were received in fear on the other.
It was said recently …
that One’s Love expressed comes off creep-ily.
Which made one start to look deeply
at how things can appear to be.
Love has no opposite, this is True
So how does one share this without proof
When Love is creepy may be seen
Where fear of Love reigns supreme
Because one is scared of what Love will do
They’ve been hurt, they’ve been a fool
And don’t want to have their heartbroken
They can’t see it’s the gift that will open
Up the chains around the heart
That one put up to keep apart
The truth that there is only one
not two
Love …
it comes to bring the death of “you”
Because “you” have identified with a thought
and that thought is fear which you are not
So you use what you can as protection
From Love’s ultimate affliction
But no matter what you do
Love will continue to knock for you
On the door of your Heart
Waiting for the moment to start
An adventure of another kind
One that’s tender, that reminds
You of where you come from
It points you back where you belong
It’s what you’ve searched for all your life
And smiles replace the work and strife
That you have forgotten along the way
Struggling and resisting, now you jump and play
Because Love shifts everything in the mind
To bring the awareness back to find
That one was wrong about everything that they thought
And Love wipes away the fear because it was naught