Recently I moved from a two-room apartment with a private kitchen and bath to a one-room apartment with a shared kitchen and bath. For the last two and a half years, I have not had to have the experience of being around people that use animals to sustain their own life (carnivores). I figured that there was the potential for it to be an awkward living arrangement, however, I did it anyway. At first, it worked out really well. I didn’t need to use the kitchen for anything other than a few refrigerated things that were kept in containers and would attempt to steer the eyes away when I would see the flesh of another animal. However, about three weeks ago one of the roommates said she was going to use the crockpot to make something. Since I don’t use the kitchen almost at all and only have to go through it to use the bathroom, I didn’t see that it would be a problem. Unfortunately, she left it cooking for two days and the entire apartment, including the space I reside, in reeked of death and decay.
It is probably similar to the smell of burning bodies from the concentration camps and it may have been that smell that actually stopped the mass killing of Jews because it made people aware. But how do you make people aware, that actually like the smell of burning bodies? There is no way to explain this smell until you stop eating animals because until you do, you think that what you smell actually smells good.
Those that eat animals do not often pay attention to what they do; they simply do it because they always have and their parents did and their parents did and so on. They don’t look at the process of what that animal went through (in most cases) to end up in their possession. Most animals that are purchased as food at the grocery store have been raised literally in their own shit and decay and then slaughtered in factories that have very little concern for either the person (human animal) that processes what is slaughtered, nor the person (human animal) that will purchase it and they most definitely do not seem to have any concern for the animal and how it is slaughtered, it all simply boils down to the money that will be made. The slaughtered animal is then chopped into pieces or sealed into plastic (ever wonder where all that plastic goes?) and then frozen. Often that animals flesh will become defrosted and re-frosted a number of times before the person who purchases it, freezes it again (how old is that rotting flesh and blood before you eat it?). What that corpse goes through before it is put on people plates makes it some kind of miracle that half the population is not sick from salmonella poison all the time (check out rendering plants, these are the body parts of dead animals that often feed the animals that you eat). However the human animal is sick almost all of the time (keeps the doctors and healthcare plans with fat pockets) from what it puts in its bodies, just look at how successful the medical profession is. We have so many doctors pumping the human animal full of all kinds of toxins so that they can stay alive and function in a world they can barely stand to be in. Then we have all these toxic bodies to bury in the ground (polluting it even more), which then require that land to grow and raise more food. We have created a nightmare of a cycle of Life, but we think it is “normal” and the only way to do it and it is just not so.
I left the roommate a note saying that I really wasn’t okay with her cooking flesh in the kitchen for such long periods of time. Honestly, I am not ok with the cooking of flesh in the kitchen for any period of time. I had asked her to do it in her room and she did not like this idea because she didn’t want the mess all over her room ... which made me wonder if she can see that, then why can’t she see that it is just as disgusting to have it in the kitchen? It is like living in a place where animal sacrifice is seen as “normal.” Where blood and guts all over one’s living space is seen as the “normal” way to live. I know that people do not see it this way. I know that I have been blessed with the gift of seeing things differently. However, seeing this doesn’t change it for anyone else.
This roommate does not think she is doing anything other than making food to sustain her body. However, I have lived for 3 years now without having to use any part of any animal to sustain this body.
Life gifted me with an amazing bird that this world calls a “Chicken.” I know that when people eat these creatures, they are eating themselves. I get that most people have no idea who they are so they know not who they eat.
This isn’t about making people feel badly about what they do ... it’s about simply being aware of what you do and what you perpetuate by what you do.
Marma (the Chicken that enlightened me), was one of the greatest gifts I have received in this life. If you think animals are not intelligent or cannot speak, it is only because you have not taken the time to listen and hear. Marma had a very direct way of communication. She has specific calls to come in. She would nudge my leg when it was time to go. There is an energy in animals, if you spend time with them that they reveal to you (just like if you have a dog or a cat ... they know you ... they relate to you and often surprise you by being able to get your attention). If you do take the time to really pay attention and dedicate your self to them, they can help you to discover who you truly are. However, the odds that you will discover this while you are eating them are not very good. If you were eating your Teacher, you would not learn much from them for they would be dead. Animals are Teachers no different than the human animal, but the human animal has “learned” to “think” that it is not an animal and so it no longer relates it only destroys.
Everyone speaks of Peace but how can there be peace in a house of constant slaughter and death ... look no further than your own. If you desire peace and your house is a slaughter house, there will be no peace there only death and decay.
One is not expected to have everything shift overnight, but one is wise to begin to pay attention to how they live in this world. You will discover, if not sooner then on your deathbed that you have been killing and destroying only yourSelf. The flesh you eat is always your own.
Pay attention to how you kill. The hunter is the kinder killer than the one that has another do it’s bidding (grocery store). A hunter will kill and care for the flesh, often use all the flesh and make use of the animal and even in some cases, offer respect and appreciation for the life it has taken. The one the goes to the grocery store or the restaurant has no care for what that animal went through to be there, doesn’t care that it was forced to lay more eggs than it’s body was built for, doesn’t care that it was placed in cages with it’s body stuck and often times grown into the bars of the cage. Doesn’t care that the milk was sucked from nipples that were bled raw from a mother whose child she will not ever see. It does not care that the slicing of razor blades and knives is felt by animals exactly how it is felt by you. You need go no further than Google to discover the horrors inflicted on the lives that are in service to sustaining yours in the name of “convenience.”
Everything on this planet that the Human Animal likes is used until it is utterly destroyed. Unless by some miracle the eyes begin to open, will life begin to change. It can happen and the proof is that we do not slaughter humans as horribly as we once did and because we no longer have human slaves, although, it took hundreds of years, and lives and wars to stop. The Civil War and World War II brought about this change for the human animal and it may take hundreds more years to stop the slavery and slaughter of animals in service to the human palate. However, you the one reading this can be at the beginning of the end. You can be one of those that when they saw the cattle cars full of Jews going down the road said “enough!” You can be that same one when you see the cattle cars and boats on the oceans jam-packed with animals that says “enough!” You don’t even have to leave your home to do it; you just simply begin to stop the slaughter in it.
Maybe this day you begin to pay attention. Maybe you will use animals less for your desires and begin to discover what they have to share with you. Maybe you will become more aware that how you live your life does impact the lives of others and everyone around you. Maybe you will discover that if you don’t pump your children full of animals that have been pumped full of chemicals that when they get older, they will not be animals pumped full of chemicals to undo what the chemical have done (heart disease, cancer, etc.).
I fell in Love with a Chicken and it was one of the best things that ever happened to me. I would recommend to anyone to fall in Love with an animal and see if they can discover that all animals are the same including the human one and that it is only the labels we put on one another that seemingly separate us.