We are going to use math to shed some Light on who you truly are. Let's count the body as 1 and thoughts/thinking as 1 and take a look at what we come up with. If you are not your body (which you are not), then you subtract 1. If you are not your thoughts/thinking (which you are not), also subtract 1. Let's see what we come up with...
1 - 1 = 0
So now that you see that by using simple math you cannot be who you think or believe you are, then the question comes, what or who is zero.
Zero is the Empty Stillness that you Are. When you remove the attachment to the body (which will drop and you will lose anyway) and the idea that you are your thoughts (which are fleeting and change from moment to moment). You are left with the symbol Zero. There is a saying that you are less than zero, because you are not a symbol you are what the symbol is in.
So take a moment, if you will, to sit quietly and look at this simple math equation and see if you can discover something that you haven't seen before.