"You are all alone, surrounded by all the help you will ever need." ~Wayneji
Once you Realize or become Aware there is only One (less than actually), then you begin to See that everything is happening is perfectly because there is only One player Playing … looking like many. In sports this is called “In the Zone.” One becomes empty of individual self and Aware they are not doing it … it is being done through them (actually the one that "thinks" things are done through, doesn't exist at all). Received a comment from a friend about the word/meaning “Team” and the following words came up and this article appeared ...
Article on being Empty...
Mark used to say that sports were his Spirituality and that if one paid attention they would Hear and See it too. It took quite sometime to really start to see what he was pointing to.
The other day at the dentist there was an article in a magazine that had LeBron James on the cover and the last two paragraphs of the article are a beautiful way to describe another human being ... in this case LeBron and the Spirituality that Mark pointed to was Heard. :o)))))”
One of the clearest ways to see that one is ... for lack of better description ... on a “Team” of One (not individual) is to first See and acknowledge how utterly and completely alone One Is (One without a Second).
You can spend years attempting not to See this, by searching for a “team” to be on.
However, if you are willing to go into the Core of Aloneness, then the window/door opens up to see that there is only One (less than) and there is only one Team everyone can ever be on ... you are on/in It and there is no way off or out of it. This Discovery
reveals that all are always and forever working together … beyond all appearances, beliefs, dogmas, religions, clubs, societies, nationalities … there is only One and the Team is the entire Universe and anything that can ever be imagined and ALL are in and on it.
The sayings “you are only as strong as your weakest link” or “wherever you go there you are” are Great sayings and stand the tests of Time because they are True Pointings. These sayings have been misconstrued because not many venture deep enough into the “unknown” of their Self ... they don’t go all the way to the Core of Being to discover that there is only One (actually less than One … less than Zero … but this is the limitation of words and only can one Know … through Self-Discovery). If one does not go to the Core of Being and discover that there is only One (less than), then they believe they are separate and although believing one is separate doesn't make them separate and doesn’t get them off the Team (they do not believe they are on it - because it appears that there is more than One).
There is another saying, “You are all alone, surrounded by all the help you need.” This is the closest pointing to the Truth of the True Team you are on. Everyone has had their moment of being/Realizing they are all alone. Feeling they have no one to turn to, no where to go, no one that would understand … these moments are great gifts in revealing what cannot be seen or understood by the mind. If you can look back on any moment that arrived to reveal to you that you are all Alone … you can see that something showed up for you. Something did Hear you. Someone did understand. Otherwise you would not be reading this right now. And if you went all the way … to the Core of Being … then you Know who always shows up … the Self. :o)
One is wise not to run from the “fear” of being Alone … it is your True Natural State. It is the fear/running from that which keeps you from Knowing who you Are.
At the end of the day and the beginning, the best one can do is face the fear of being alone, do not run from it, but let it come to you, let it have you; the fear of not having enough, the fear of losing, the fear of not being good enough, the fear that you are not supported or taken care of.
Truly the only actual fear is the fear of death. When these fears begin to be faced, not run from but just allowed, then you will begin to see what has been Carrying you all along and what was being carried begins to dissolve along with the worry and fear that kept one "thinking" they were something they are not.