You are now offered the ability to begin to see that Negative Thoughts and Emotions are a Gift. When thoughts are positiive and everything is going the way one wants there usually isn't an ability to see that one is not in control because there is nothing one wants to change.
It's when things start to go what one would call "Negative" or not the way one wants … that the gift comes in revealing to you that you are not in control … because you will want to change something and it offers the ability to see that you can't. You will "think" you can but thinking that ... doesn't make it so and you can begin to see this by watching what you "think" you will do and watching what "actually" happens.
Life is just happening to and through you ... a "you" that ulitmately doesn't even exist (but that is a big leap)
This leap will begin to become smaller and smaller until it is just a step and then not a movement at all because you will know what you are In.