ISN'T HAPPENINGThis isn’t happening. “What isn’t?,” you ask. Everything. Everything that is experienced with the senses; actually isn’t happening. It is radical isn’t it? For the one reading this, if there is an open mind, you may be able to entertain it as an idea or theory, but few will know it as Truth. For one to know it as Truth; there need be an Essential Experience of it and this is not up to anyone. You cannot make Revelation happen. However, if you come across someone where this Revelation, this Discovery is alive; stay close, as it is never in the words or actions of this person, it is in the Proximity. However, it is not necessarily in distance/measurement that this is being shared. Staying close does not necessarily mean location, but rather in the Heart. What this person Radiates; with no volition of their own; is a natural occurrence that does not have intent. On the other hand, if you are one where it has been Revealed, but this Revelation has caused immense confusion, possibly even deep depression, or a psychotic break, know that this is not a rare occurrence. Although it is Revealed:
There is only One; without a second. Paradoxically, you are not alone. A Teacher will shortly appear, in fact, if you are reading this writing; one already has. However, don’t go looking around, The Teacher has found you; you wouldn’t recognize The Teacher if you knew what to look for, so don’t bother, just Know without intellectually knowing … that you have been Found. Let this sooth the confused mind:
You are being sought from the Inside, although The Teacher may outwardly appear.
The Essential Experience can be a very dramatic event. When one Discovers/Realizes that the world is not real, that everything they have been told by everyone and everything has been a lie, it can be a very dramatic occurrence. It isn’t always, sometimes it is just a slight shift in consciousness that Reveals that what one had thought is real; isn’t. However, in the case where it is dramatic and one Discovers or Realizes that everything they experience with the senses is not real, yet still thinks they themselves are real; a psychosis may ensue. In some cases, the world does not become completely solid again, and a psychotic break may ensue. Also, the discovery that one is so completely Pristine Perfect and of a Love which is so far beyond anything that can be imagined; only to return to a world of such intense limitation and contradiction; a deep depression may set in. It might be said that our mental institutions, jails and prisons are filled with people that are Awakening from the Dream, yet lack the resources and support to be steered towards a Complete Awakening. However, no matter where you find yourself, when the Student is ready; The Teacher will appear and it matters not your state of mind, nor the body’s location, or physical or mental ability. When you are ripe for the picking; you will be plucked. Until such time, rest in Knowing that it is Written; meaning that everything that has ever happened has already, you are just watching it, similar to one watching a movie on TV, it has already happened, the script is written and the actors have already played all the parts and you are getting the opportunity to see the film.
Side note: It is imperative one not get caught up in the words. If this isn’t happening, which it isn’t, then nothing in it is real, including words. Words are not real. You weren’t born knowing words, in fact, you weren’t born, but that is a giant leap. You are taught words, words are man-made; therefore not real. However, we have to use everything in the Lie/TheDream/The Illusion including words, to begin to Point one’s attention off of it. We are also not out to prove that the world/universe/you are not real <— very, very important. This is not about proving anything … you don’t have to prove something, if you Know it (capital K … meaning you Know without understanding what you Know). In other words, you don’t have to prove air exists to breath. So take a deep breath now and we will continue on. One of the most confusing aspects in the Discovery that this isn’t happening is “thought.” You see, without thought you would just be seeing what you see and not interpreting it. It doesn’t mean that you would know that everything that seems to be happening; isn’t, however thought makes “you” think “you” are real. The thought “I” is one of the biggest and most powerful lies we face in Awakening, because even when there is a direct Revelation or Essential Experience … there is Awareness of it and thoughts come in and say “I experienced Revelation.” Or “I am Aware.” Or “I … (fill in the blank here).” When it is not so, because The Essential Experience Reveals: There is no “I/you.”
In the sense of an individual, there is no you, and this may cause great confusion in the one where Revelation is Revealed. For some, they wonder where “I” went; instead of Realizing that “I” never was. For others, it may be much clearer, in that you have discovered or Realized that there is no “you” no “I,” but then are confused or concerned with: “If not ‘me/I’ then who?”
If you have been raised in a fear based society, such as most have … this can create even more fear and confusion. However, all of this serves. All of this fear and confusion and not knowing and even depression and psychotic breaks, serve, because without them you would just go back to sleep and believe the lie like everyone else. However, Knowing that it serves; doesn’t make what you are experiencing easy to go through. The Mind, which is what perceives with the senses, “job” in a sense or at least in the beginning, is to keep you asleep and it has very intimidating ways of doing so. However, you have the ultimate ammunition under your belt, which is that you now Know that the world, that which is experienced with the senses: is not real and so keeping the attention on THAT is what helps one walking through The Mind. The Mind itself is in IT, in Revelation. The Mind has no power when you truly Know this, it only has threats; but no power. Basically, the ammunition is ironically in “no defense.” There is nothing to defend against, when you know you and everything you are experiencing:
It becomes a resting place. The STILLNESS that all is apparently happening IN … is the place of Rest. Now you may not call it STILLNESS, which again you are being asked not to get hung up on the words, as words describe things and The Essential Experience cannot be described. You know this because you have tried … you have attempted to share with someone “The Essential Experience" and you quickly realize that they don’t understand what you are talking about. Maybe you used words such as “Oneness” or “Love” and you saw that they had their own definitions of those words and their definition was not reflective of what you are attempting to share. You could use this writing as an example, most who read this will not understand what is being shared here, the focus will be on the words and attempting to understand, but how do you really understand that everything you experience with the senses, isn’t happening? It doesn’t make any sense. Yet, when one has had The Essential Experience it does, because you know the words themselves are lies and are only an attempt to point one back onto The Essential Experience itSelf: STILLNESS. Now, the word Stillness is a lie, but it is close in the sense that everything one experiences with the senses, moves or can be altered or changed, but STILLNESS does not move, alter or change, therefore, anything that moves, alters, changes is:
If you have had The Essential Experience, you will more than likely Hear those words and “get” where they are Pointing. You begin to discover that you will never be able to explain it and few will ever “get” what you have come to Know, but you become less and less concerned about that and begin to Know that whoever shows up … shows up because they have had it, even if they do not consciously remember. You are not there to do anything … STILLNESS radiates out of the one who has had The Essential Experience. Now, be Aware that many people who come will be agitated by your Presence; even though they have been longing for it all their lives. STILLNESS agitates The Ego because The Ego cannot exist in STILLNESS. It is the moth to the Flame. It seeks the Light and longs for the Demise; but flickers for a time, while being consumed. Therefore, keep the Gaze as often and as long as you can on that which doesn’t move: STILLNESS. Continue to put the attention there and don’t be concerned with what seems to be happening outside of you, in the world, in the universe. Be Aware of it, but not concerned by it. Rest in the Truth that nothing experienced is actually Happening and your days will be one’s of resting in Peace.