"Who Are You?"
February 3rd
Who am I?
Who Am I is the only question
That eva need be asked
It doesn’t have a future
It doesn’t have a past
Is where one begins
Cutting through
Guilt and fear
And all beliefs in sin
No one else can tell you
Who you act-ually are
You have to begin
In the same place you Start
Bypassing the Mind
Directly to the Heart
Who am I?
Who am I?
It’s the simplest things
That are often overlooked
It’s not something you find
By reading any books.
It is where all the greatest Teachers
Fingers have pointed
But over the years
Have become disjointed
Don’t listen to the things
That come from the mind
If it something you understand
Then seek again to find
Who Am I?
Who Am I?
Everything you’ve learned
Has kept you from the truth
Don’t take these words for it
Go directly to the Proof
It’s beyond all understanding
It’s beyond all knowledge
It’ nothing that you’ll ever learn
By going to any college
It’s first person singular
That you will begin to know
Who you Really Are in Truth
Then upon realty you Bestow
Who am I?
Who am I?
"May all Beings awaken to itSelf."
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