Allow what you want/desire to burn you up. If you read yesterdays Tidbit on Do Nothing, then this is just taking it a step further. Wanting/desiring things to be some other way, is a great tool in burning up all "desire/wanting." Wanting/Desire is just a thought (usually attached to some emotion/energy) that things should be some other way than what they are. If you really look at that, how can things be any other way than what they are, if they are to change they will, but to just look at life and say it should be some other way, is just silly.
"Wanting/desire" comes as a gift to begin to see that everything is ok, actually perfect, just they way it is and that whatever shows up is perfect too; including the "wanting/desire" because it comes to help you to begin to see that everything is already ok. Nothing needs to be changed to be in the moment you are in. That doesn't mean that the moment you are in doesn't have emotions (every and all emotion). Every emotion shows up to help you to begin to not react, to not move to the emotion, to allow emotions to be until they disappear or turn into something else. All things pass in this world. Nothing stays the same, so there is no need to worry about what you don't have or what you think you want, it will change from moment to moment as it always has.
As you begin to sit with these things as they come up, you might find your attention drawn to what doesn't move. All the things of the world, move and change, but you are IN what doesn't Move. What is always there/Here and if you should react, or chase after or move towards the wanting or desire, that is ok too, just be aware that you are doing it, be aware of you intent in that direction. Awareness ... is the Key that unlocks the door to the Self.