There are two kinds of intelligence, one is of things that are known (knowledge), like what you can read in a book or learn in school or from a teacher or employer. This kind of intelligence fills you up, leaves little room for the unexplained.
The other comes from what you cannot understand by reading a book or learning in school or from a teacher or employer. It is something that both drives and pulls you to dig deeper. It comes when you least expect it and maybe in a form of sickness (your own or one close to you) death of someone you love, loss of a job or a relationship. It is something that leaves you empty, it reveals all of your prior knowledge to be lacking and leaves so much unexplained.
Don’t be so quick to understand what anything is for. Let the emptying leave you empty for a while. Don’t worry you will be filled again, but this time you will be filled with the unKnown.