MyTeacher said "be who you are" almost 10 years ago, and it was a simple and yet completely baffling statement, the most baffling one could ever say at that time; and yet ... it deepened the questioning and investigation of "Who am I?"
B-hu-u-r (be who you Are). What else can you be anyway. Even if you are trying to be like someone else, you are still *you* trying to be it. It is much easier to just begin to watch yourself. Begin to notice how you are in this world and then begin to notice ... who's Noticing :o)
Discover who you are.
We can get so caught up in attempting to "change" or get "better" that we don't stop and see how simply perfect we are right now. Without changing a thing you can begin to see that you are still that same Innocence that was born into this world. As you discover that ... you find less and less things to change about yourself and anyone else. ~Joysters