A True Friend
The following is inspired by a comment that Ethan (Staff Sgt. Jones) myEberry, posted on his Facebook page about having a True Friend and which has been, over the years, reinforced by myTeacher, Wayneji (Retired Sgt. Austin, USMC).
A True Friend doesn't always look like one
Sometimes they say things we don’t want to hear...
Many times they tell us exactly the things
that bring up immediate fear.
Like when everyone else says “you look good in that”
A True Friend tells you...it makes you look fat.
And then they hold you accountable by saying...
"what are you going to do about that!"
A True Friend may tell you to “buck the fuck up”
when they see you feeling sorry for yourself
and yet is the one that holds your hand
When everyone else has left.
A True Friend might listen to your stories
about how hard it all is
But a True Friend won’t let you believe it for long.
A True Friend is someone you can sit with in Silence.
And not need words to fill in the space.
A True Friend is the one you call when you've hit rock bottom.
They may not agree with your action, but they don’t hold it against you.
A True Friend sometimes doesn't do what you want.
Yet you know with a True Friend it’s for your own good.
A True Friend may, for a time, leave you all alone in the world
So that you can begin to see that you are all Alone
but not how you thought you were.
When you were a kid your True Friend told you
That Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, are not real,
As an adult your True Friend tells you...
“you” are not real.
A True Friend may call you on your shit
at the most embarrassing and inopportune time
But you know when they do it,
it's in answer to your call...
that you've gotten too far out of line.
A True Friend is the One that is always there
Even after they appear to die.
A True Friend tells you the cold hard truth,
Even when it’s easier to lie.
To others a True Friend may seem cold and unfair
You might even think it yourself.
But a True Friend isn't out to make friends...
A True Friend is a True Friend to itSelf.