A Banjo Named "Fir"
April 3, 2014
Day two of a three day full Fast, no food, no drink, no speach. Music is heard from the upstairs apartment. Drawn to the sound one sits on the porch and listens. Frantically the fingers strum and the vocals sing out a sound that makes the heart expand. A thumb goes out as cars, trucks, busses go by. No one stops. She turns - our eyes meet, she waves and says, “didn’t expect a concert on your front porch did ya?” Thumbs go up to her in gratitude.
In early Spring
Song of the Wilder-ness
- A Banjo
A neighbor walks by. Words are exchanged. A ride is offered and one gets to go along. Up and through the mountains we drive. On top of Etna Summit the Winter still prevails. Snow is blinding and the musician is in ecastasy at seeing such a wonder. Down the other side it is as if nothing ever happened. Clear roads. Clear skies. The drive is long and winding. Through forests and off-paved roads we climb. Three in one vehicle, two that speak - one witness.
Stagnant cigarette smoke
- Etna Brewery Clothes
We pull into a hidden driveway. Paintings of welcome to those that arrive. A truck blocks the passage. Friends mingle and mix. Laughter and reunion. Odd looks at the speachless. Silence can be deafening.
In the Deep
The Silence Fell
- Short
The journey continues. Mossy green trees and hills. Make-shift cabins here and there. Everything coming alive. The smell of wet and rebirth. Arrival at the mainhouse is greeted with friendly smiling faces. Eyes alive with Knowing. “Hi I am so and so, who are you.” A note handed over “In Silence, not speaking.” Ah the nameless one. Yes – just like you. Inside we go, people hustling and bustling around. Food is cooking and there is warmth that is stronger than the fire in the place. The night is coming and the mountain is coated in snow.
Stillness – Pristine – Pure
“I” thought appears
- Things to do
Farwells said and again a heading off. Where once were three now two. A rambler and a mute. Winding back through the mountain terrain. Majestic white trees line the way. Head out the car window like a dog in it’s joy. Crisp fresh air that strips one of fatigue, enlivens the spirit and lightens the load of road.
Late doorstep arrival
her name is “Fir”
- A 3 in 1 mystery entwined